CR 2032 1 PACK: CR2032P1L/40
Top quality technology for small devices
Provides a long lasting performance in everyday small electronic devices
Top Performance
Reliable for long term performance
Lithium, Silver and Alkaline technology for small devices
The battery remains fresh for use for up to 10 years
Battery type: Button cell / Lithium
Battery voltage: 3.0 V
Green Specifications
Chemical composition: Lithium
Heavy metals: Cd free, Hg free, Pb free
Packaging material: Carton, PET
Packaging type: PET blister
Technical specifications
Shelf life: 10 years
Interchangeable with: CR2032, DL2032
Highlights :
Reliable performance
In manufacturing excellent technology is being used to guarantee a reliable and long term performance
Power for small devices -
The Lithium, Silver and Alkaline technologies offer a reliable maximum power and lifetime value for small devices